Open Science

Basic principles and best practices

Dr. Domenico Giusti
Paläoanthropologie, Senckenberg Centre for Human Evolution and Palaeoenvironment


Week 5: Open Access to Published Research Results


  • Git & GitHub workflow
    • Creating and merging pull requests

Recap week 4

Recap week 4

  • Create a research compendium
  • Publish a research compendium (Zenodo)

swirl modules (week 4)

7: Matrices and Data Frames

  • matrices and dataframes are (2-dimensional) tabular data types - data with rows and columns
  • matrices can only contain a single class of data, while data frames can consist of many different classes of data
  • dim() function, to get OR set the dim attribute for an R object
  • attributes() function
  • class() function
  • matrix() function, to create matrices
  • data.frame() function, to create data frames
  • cbind() function, to combine columns
  • colnames() function, to set the colnames attribute

swirl modules (week 4)

8: Logic

  • logical (boolean) values: TRUE and FALSE
  • logical operators:
    • ==, <, <=, >, >=, !=
    • ! NOT operator negates logical expressions (!TRUE, !FALSE)
    • &, && AND operators, TRUE if both operands are TRUE
    • |, || OR operators, TRUE if one of the operands is TRUE
  • functions to deal w/ logical expressions:
    • isTRUE()
    • xor() (exclusive OR) - If one argument evaluates to TRUE and one argument evaluates to FALSE, then this function will return TRUE, otherwise it will return FALSE. xor(TRUE, TRUE) evaluates to FALSE.
    • which(), any() , all()

Assignments (week 4)

Complete swirl module '12: Looking at Data' and submit your successful completion via email (

swirl modules won't count towards your final grade but it is highly recommended to complete them - the topics covered in the swirl modules will be on the final exam.

Git & GitHub basic workflow

Creating and merging pull requests

About pull requests

Pull requests help you collaborate on code with other people. Pull requests let you tell others about changes

  • you've pushed to a branch in a repository on GitHub
  • you've made to a fork of an upstream repository.

Once a pull request is opened, you can discuss and review the potential changes with collaborators and add follow-up commits before your changes are merged into the base branch.

GitHub Docs

Contribute to CRAN Task View: Archaeological Science

Clone your new GitHub repo to your workspace

git clone

(See exercises 3 & 4)

Create a pull request

  • Edit Giusti, D., Konidaris, G. E., Tourloukis, V., Marini, M., Maron, M., Zerboni, A., … Harvati, K. (2019). Recursive anisotropy: a spatial taphonomic study of the Early Pleistocene vertebrate assemblage of Tsiotra Vryssi, Mygdonia Basin, Greece. Boreas, 0(0).

--> Volume48, Issue3, July 2019, Pages 713-730

Fork this course!

Clone your new GitHub repo to your workspace

(See exercises 3 & 4)


Create a pull request

Merge a pull request